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Our blood, sweat and code

Case studies

Micolet scales its business and reduces its costs thanks to Sciling

We improve customers’ experience in the restaurant sector thanks to the latest in pose estimation technology

Otaku rolls out a subscription model thanks to a system for personalising content developed by Sciling

Sciling helps reveal problems in the collaborative economy via Natural Language Processing

Snorble solves the challenge of children’s speech recognition thanks to Sciling

Sciling helps the Government of Spain to ensure open, effective competition in public procurement

We have worked with:

PC Componentes

Development of a microservice with API REST in Symfony 2 and a control panel. Implemented in Symfony, Twig, and Doctrine; including database transactions management, and unit and functional testing with PHPUnit and Selenium, all deployed in a Galera cluster over Docker.


Analysis, design, development, and implementation of an online translation management system, including translation and revision workflow. Integration with their machine translation engines (Politraductor) and authentication services (RedIRIS), and implemented in NodeJS, AngularJS, Handlebars, and Oracle SQL.


Integration of a customized web crawler to automate the workflow derived from website translations, and development of an automatic system for website translation budget estimation. The work was implemented in NodeJS, AngularJS, Redis, and MongoDB.


Starting with models from OpenNMT (neural machine translation), our team worked to reduce the model sizes to ensure that they fit into a mobile device for offline translation.


We built a digital assistant (Alexa-like) using advanced neural networks for intent parsing, with Android and web user interfaces.

Talk to us

Get in touch with the team to see how we can help you.